Document Abstract: (updated Dec 11, 2009) This zip file contains materials from the CDS-2 trainings presented on Oct 26 & 29, 2009. � It includes the following files: 2009 Revised SIMS Assessments for RNs - v103 final 10-23-09.ppt CDS-2-CM requirements - training document - v1.2- FINAL.doc CDS2 Change Log - 2009-10-02 - extra tab for RN version.xls Visio-CDS 2.0 diagrams - 2009-10-22.pdf Word - CDS 2.0 diagrams - 2009-10-22.doc
Author: EOEA
Source: SIMS Support
Keywords: SIMS
File: CDS-2 training materials -
Converted from ColdFusion Document Library, December 2010