Document Abstract: (Jul 17, Query Fix for Auditing crash, see release notes)
The FARv18 mde and Audit Trail mdb, instructions to install and convert from v17, plus the standard welcome documents for first time setup.
Author: Jesse Gibson
Source: FAR v18 Installation/Documentation Files and Guides
Document Abstract: The generation of Service Orders can be done in bulk using the Generate Service Orders feature in SAMS. Select users at each agency to use this feature in SAMS. �Users have the ability to filter the selection of orders to be generated based on Service Month, Agency, Providers, Services, and Care Programs. �Organizational security ensures that users can only generate service orders for their agency.
Document Abstract: On October 31st, 2007, EOEA authorized select agency users the system access rights to process rate change requests directly through SAMS Administrator. �This tool allows for bulk rate changes based on user specified parameters.