Document Abstract: This Program Instruction (PI) transmits the Financial Eligibility Guidelines that take effect on January 1, 2009 for the Home Care Program and sets out the voluntary co-payment, cost sharing, and Respite Care co-payment schedules. Revised Co-payment and Cost Share Schedule: Elder Affairs is implementing co-payment and cost share increases effective January 1, 2009. This job aid gives users the step-by-step procudures necessary to track Long Term Care Options Counseling (LTCOC) services and outcomes in SAMS.
Author: Joe Quirk
Source: Executive Office of Elder Affairs
Keywords: 126,financial eligibility
File: PI_08_13_Increased_Co_payments_2009.pdf
Converted from ColdFusion Document Library, December 2010
Formerly Catergorized as: Case Management/ Waiver Claims, Financial, Home Care,Program Instruction